I think I discussed in my “What’s in a Name” post about experiencing true happiness. And I feel this is what every person wants. Some of us may find happiness in making lots of money and others might find happiness in helping others. And with true happiness, comes serenity.
Let me tell you. I never thought I could feel this sense of happiness and serenity. Though I feel I have not reached the maximum capacity, I believe I am on the right path.
While the world seems to be crumbling around me. Loved ones dying. People starving. Friends losing their jobs. Me losing my job. Despite all of these discouraging events, there is something in me that nothing seems to be able to shake. My life is no where close to being perfect, and it may never be. But the troubling feelings and thoughts that I felt a year ago, even 3 months ago, are no longer present.
I wish I could express exactly what it is that is instilling this unexplainable sense of hope in me. Perhaps it is my determination. My need to be better and do something bigger than myself. Perhaps it is just the right time in my life. While it was unfortunate that I had to lose my job, as many others in our screwed up economy have as well. Maybe this was all meant to be.
In another previous post of mine I discussed Karma and whether or not if our paths are determined based on our own thoughts and actions or the predetermined path already designed and destined for us to walk. And as I consider all the not so great events that have occurred in my life, I have come to realize that I am so fortunate to be where I am. I have a loving and encouraging family who are always there for me. I have friends that accept me for who I am and remain supportive even through their own hardships. And I have a roof over my head. How can I not feel contentment and peace?
I am excited to find myself. I am determined to tear down the walls that I have built up over the years through disappointment and pain. I am passionate about touching the lives of others and doing something that will leave a beautiful mark on this world when I am no longer here. I realize that I may not be able to accomplish all of my goals, but I intend to dedicate myself no matter the unexpected circumstances.
Se·ren·i·ty (noun) = the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. I am at least 50 percent there. And have only begun my journey. Being able to let go of the “stuff” that is irrelevant and has no place in my thoughts and heart has shed so many burdens that I have held on to for many years.
I have decided to challenge myself to do the following everyday, at least once a day:
1) Give up a fear or worry to the universe (or a higher power such as God)
2) Express my gratitude by saying “Thank you” or showing my appreciation
3) Doing something healthy for myself (such as exercising, eating a healthy meal, taking my vitamins, reading an inspirational book, etc.)
4) Fulfilling a guilty, but positive pleasure (such as having dessert after dinner, treating myself to a movie, wearing no underwear to bed, not counting my daily calories and intake or tracking the time I exercised)
5) Doing something kind and selfless for someone else (such as listening to them vent without expressing my opinion, letting someone over into my driving lane, taking the time to see how you can help someone less fortunate like the homeless)
6) Speaking positivity into my day and allowing my spirit to believe that my words are not just an affirmation, but a reality waiting to be revealed
I personally feel that all of these challenges will allow for me to reach a level of contentment and happiness that I feel I deserve, and they will encourage me to achieve a state of serenity. No matter what is happening around us, we have a choice of how we will handle the situation. And it is time for me (and you) to take control of the myriad thoughts that trickle in when we do our best to block them out. We all deserve the opportunity to reach the place of serenity that we need in order to survive this “crazy thing called life”.
PRAYER FOR SERENITY: God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can & wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will. So that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. AMEN. ~Reinhold Niebuhr
Have you established your own list of challenges that have helped you to achieve serenity? Any good ideas that others can consider? Please Do Tell Nicola…